other musings

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Something *new* in the air...

Don't pop, brave new bubble world!

There is most certainly something different about my personal atmosphere lately.  Something heady and magical, shimmering right below the surface of normal.  Thinking about it is like staring down a star- anything aimed directly at it disappears hazily, but if I focus on the edge, I can see it with diamond bright precision.

The first sign- I've abandoned the Box of Soul Draining Procrastination.  As in, I've forsaken the television.  In the past, my normal after-work routine involved stomping through the door, addressing an immediate, Pavlovian instinct to use the restroom, and flinging myself down into the billowy depths of my bed to watch endless, mind numbing hours of MTV.

These last few days, I've miraculously changed my habits.  I contemplate writing. I tidy random rooms of the house. I roam lustily around the newly refurbished backyard. I paint.

What is this bizzaro world of bliss and productivity I've been abruptly beamed into?!?!!

Just this afternoon I found myself randomly recording 100 tidbits of writing inspration and advice onto a weekly calendar pad.  Apparently, I've decided to write a novel in 100 days.

And guess what.  I wrote 365 words in no time flat.

Wanna know what it's about?

Me too.

NONETHELESS- I am a changed woman, and I have to say, I'm pretty damn proud of me.

Happy Trails,


Purging and Organizing

The office is a mess today- the flotsam and jetsam of paperwork and craft supplies is creeping into the corners.

Tonight I will be wrangling offic-y objects and finding them homes.

Once that's done hopefully I will be able to sit down and write for an hour or so.
The goal is to come up with a realistic, do-able timetable for daily writing.  A little bit of structure and discipline is critical if I'm serious about being a serious writer.

Progress is slow going with the distraction of 11 pounds of feline on your lap and nothing in the fridge for dinner.

I'll publish this for now and work some more later.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hey there!

funny joke... so a gal walks into a bar........
......and never writes another post again.

Jesus ham sandwich Christ, I am a serious Grade A, Business Class slacker, and it's about time I whipped my lay-about butt into shape.

I've been incubating a menagerie of plans, plots, and crazy ideas in my brain box the past few weeks, and it's time to nail it all down to the paper.

I like to pretend the screen is paper, makes things feel more authentic.

Let us recap-
Since the New Year I have:
- Completely committed to the idea of being a teacher, and then promptly abandoned the entire idea..
- 100% dedicated myself to the project of quitting my current job, only to cling to it that more tightly..
- Painted a few pictures, which is a few more paintings than I did last year..
- Written 4 useless blog posts..
- Spent a frenetic super motivated week at the gym... and never went back.

Right, so, not a whole lot to build on, eh?
(although the new cat is cute).

On a brighter note, I have a shiny new Apple computer, with a new-apple-computer smell still ingering about it, and I have discovered and spent quality time with a few very inspiring blogs, books, people, and places.

And guess what.

I'm ready to start writing.

Not just here, but everywhere, all the time- in journals, on websites, on scraps of paper, for recognition, for pleasure, for satisfaction, for cold hard cash, for my livelihood, for my sanity, for my cat, for my family, but most importantly, for MYSELF (no offense, non-existent blog followers).

I'm ready to get lost in writing.  There will be no more nitpicky judgment, boundaries, restrictions, or stopping.

I may make up words from time to time, but I will not manifest feelings, scenarios, or grand sweeping statements that are blatantly false.

I will write the truth. My truth.

Here I go...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Midday Greetings from "Under the Weather, FL."

Hi ya'll-

Tuesday in Boca Raton appears to be suffering from a headcold, and so am I.... I can feel myself sliding into snotland in the next couple of days. Grim :(

Other than that, today I'd like to wax poetic about the reason I've started this blog. 
Considering that I have an audience of one (ME!) at this juncture, I'm having a hard time focusing on who I'm talking to and what I'd like the overall voice and tone to be around here.

I have a hard time sticking to a serious writing style- I really only enjoy writing when I have the freedom to be a little bit quirky- and since I'm the Head Sherrif 'round here, I anticipate the voice of this blog to be off-kilter and slightly sarcastic.

With that said, I'm really striving to begin a body of writing that has a purpose and a direction.  Perhaps something that melds interior design commentary, foodie things, event planning ideas, self help, book reviews ...and pictures of my cat.

Sound like a melting pot of ideas you could snack on?

In the meantime, I'm just trying to post some sort of jibber jabber at least once a day to get in the habit of interacting with this thing.

We shall see...

till next time amigitos!


Monday, January 3, 2011

Begin at the beginning... and when you come to the end, stop.

Hello Bloguniverse/Blogworld/Blogland/Blognation... it is currently 5:06p.m. on a drizzlish Monday afternoon, and I am writing (off the clock boss!) my very 32nd blog post.

You may be wondering where the 31 other entries may be... and the answer is, scattered about the internets on various sad, lonesome, half-conceived baby bloglets that I either...
1. abandoned out of frustration
2. abandoned out of apathy
3. abandoned out of boredom
4. couldn't manage to log back into because I failed to record my user name and password in a convenient and safe location.


Happy Trails
